Experience the spine-tingling soundtracks of your movie, gaming and TV bingeing dreams live in Symphonic Fantasy.

Grab some mates, slide into the DeLorean and journey into Middle Earth for the spectacular award-winning musical highlights from Back to the Future, The Avengers, Fortnite and so much more.

Jump, cheer and bring your favourite cape for the ultimate surround sound experience – performed live by the West Australian Symphony Orchestra.

Let the Games begin!


MARC SHAIMAN Mary Poppins Returns: Overture
NOBUO UEMATSU Final Fantasy X: To Zanarkand
HIKARU UTADA Kingdom Hearts: Hikari - Orchestral
CRIS VELASCO Fortnite: A Crack in the Armour and Final Combat  
HOWARD SHORE arr. John Whitney                                                                             
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring: Symphonic Suite

JOHN WILLIAMS E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial: Flying Theme

ALAN SILVESTRI Back to the Future: Suite for Orchestra

ALAN SILVESTRI arr. Rebecca Pellett The Avengers: Main Theme

AUSTIN WINTORY Abzu: Delphinus delphis

NICHOLAS HOOPER arr. Victor Lopez Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

JOHN WILLIAMS Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Main Title                                                                                                                     
Yoda’s Theme                                                                                                              
The Asteroid Field                                                                                                        
Imperial March    

*Program order is subject to change


STANDARD $79 $79 $25 $25

Under 30 Years tickets are proudly supported by MSWA.
A one-off handling fee of $6.60 applies to all web, phone and mail bookings. A fee of $3.85 applies to over the counter bookings. An additional fee of $4.40 per transaction applies for delivery via Registered Post. All ticket / item prices include GST, if applicable.
^ Restricted viewing. 
* Under 30 Photo ID required.
For details of applicable concessions click here. Groups of 8 or more receive 20% off standard A or B reserve. Transaction fees apply.

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