A colossal canvas of life and love

Gustav MAHLER Symphony No.3

Asher Fisch conductor
Ashlyn Tymms mezzo-soprano
Ladies of the WASO Chorus
Aquinas College Schola Cantorum

‘Imagine a work of such magnitude that it actually mirrors the whole world…’ Mahler’s immense Third Symphony is almost a universe unto itself – a gigantic, wondrous hymn to love and nature that charts a progression towards the divine. This is visionary music of astonishing beauty and drama that concludes in a radiant finale. Do not miss Asher Fisch and WASO as they continue their acclaimed journey through Mahler’s magnificent symphonies.

Wesfarmers Arts Pre-concert Talk 
Join us from 6.45pm in the Terrace Level Foyer with this week's speaker Margaret Seares. All concert-goers are welcome to attend the free concert talks.

Wesfarmers Arts Meet the Musician (Saturday only)
Join WASO's Principal Conductor, Asher Fisch and mezzo soprano, Ashlyn Tymms for a post-concert interview following the Saturday evening performance in the Terrace Level Foyer. 

To view the digital program, click here.

To view the dining options available on the night of the performance, click here.

Asher Fisch appears courtesy of Wesfarmers Arts.


Due to the City of Perth’s Alinta Energy Christmas Pageant on Saturday 3 December, major traffic delays are expected in the area surrounding Perth Concert Hall. If you have tickets to WASO’s performance of Mahler’s Third Symphony on Saturday 3 December, we urge you to please plan your journey ahead of time and aim to arrive 90 mins prior to the performance. 

WASO and Perth Concert Hall are working with the City to alleviate some congestion and ticketholders have been sent an email with instructions on how to best plan your journey for a great night at the Hall. 

We will do everything in our power to present the program listed but we may have to vary the repertoire or artists. If that happens, we will let you know. 

Tickets on sale now

Subscribe and save up to 20% with further discounts available. Choose a Masters Series Subscription Package or Create Your Own. Book your subscription package now!

Reserve A Res B Res C Res^
Standard $98 $88 $57
Concession* $88 $78 $57
Under 30s* $30 $30 $30

A one-off handling fee of $6.60 applies to all web, phone and mail bookings. A fee of $3.85 applies to over the counter bookings. An additional fee of $4.40 per transaction applies for delivery via Registered Post. All ticket / item prices include GST, if applicable.

*ID required - view accepted Concessions here. ^Can be restricted viewing.
When booking your subscription and paying in full, no transaction fees apply.

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